5 Myths Expats Believe About Local Employees

5 Myths Expats Believe About Local Employees

The staff at foreign subsidiaries are too often overlooked as essential team members.

May 28, 2024

Juan Moyano/Stocksy


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  • Corporate employees undertaking expatriate assignments rely on support from local employees. This dynamic is underappreciated and understudied. Both individuals and their employers will benefit if people understand and correct the mythology that’s grown up around the vital role local employees play.

    Expatriate assignments are fraught. Performing well in them can be a steppingstone to career advancement in multinational companies. Failure can take a heavy toll on expats and their families. While various factors contribute to expats’ over- or under-performance, a secret that many are reluctant to acknowledge or even recognize is the role host-country national colleagues play in their international assignments.

    • SM

      Snejina Michailova is a professor of international business at the University of Auckland.

    • AF

      Anthony Fee is a senior lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney.


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